Short Summarized Answers
(full answers in the video)
Q: How did I learn to sew?
A: I got my first sewing machine when I was 13. I began experimentally sewing from there. I made a few blankets. I tried making shorts out of an old white sheet. They were not even remotely wearable. I started sewing more seriously after my first daughter was born. That is when I made my first dress. I followed the pattern and learned so many new techniques. The execution of the techniques was not very well done, but I did it. I used YouTube to learn how to do new-to-me sewing techniques. I looked through beginner sewing books. Slowly I built my sewing vocabulary. Over the last decade and a half I have learn so much through books, YouTube, experimental sewing, blogs, other sewers on Instagram, courses, etc.
Q: What are my favorite book resources?
A: My top favorites are Pattern Making Primer and Couture Sewing Techniques. These do focus on garment sewing. For a basic sewing book try The Sewing Answer Book.
Q: How do I make time to sew with kids and chores?
A: Two things help… 1) I have a designated sewing space. My cabinet in the corner is the biggest help. The cabinet is in my living room, so I feel like I can sew and be around my kids easily. 2) I like to sew after my kids have gone to sleep and the house is quiet.
Q: Do I ever quilt?
A: Yes! You can see those beautiful works in the video. I’ve made one for each bed in my house.
Q: Do I sew for others?
A: Yes, for family and friends. No/very rarely for purchase.
Q: Where do I buy fabric from?
A: Top three places: JOANN, Mood, and fabric.com (affiliate).
Q: Where do I buy notions from?
A: 50/50 between JOANN and Amazon. You can find my recommendations in my Amazon Storefront*. I also get notions from a few shops on Etsy. My favorite place for trims, lace, or other fancy things is Mary Not Martha.
Q: Do I save my fabric scraps?
A: Yes. I even have a bag for the unusable scraps that I am saving to stuff an ottoman pouf.
Q: Do I ever struggle with getting the needle stuck or thread tangled?
A: Let me tell you, I used to, but now I very rarely do. My Sewing Machine Basics playlist will help you with that… and practice.
Q: Where to start?
A: I say start where you are most interested. If I must pick one thing then make a pillow WITH a zipper. Conquer the zipper!
Q: How do you choose a sewing machine?
A: This may disappoint you, but my first rule is: buy a sewing machine that fits in your budget. Get the nicest features you can get, but don’t spend more than you should (preach, MRS. FRUGAL!). I really like my sewing machine and here is one that is very close to it.
Q: Do I have any tips on fitting or sizing?
A: Distilling this into a few sentences is near impossible. The books I mentioned will help. Making a muslin teaches you a lot. Let practice teach you.
Q: Do I plan on teaching sewing classes live?
A: I am the caretaker of my children and they like to talk to me and run around and sing. A live class would be either a circus or after their bedtime. Never say never, but not right now.
Happy Sewing! -Paige
You are so sweet, the first time I saw you ,was when you made your birthday dress and were so happy it fit and you cried . I felt you satisfaction and delight. I cried with you. You make me want to do better at sewing. I sewed my kids clothes when they were small ,40 years ago. and I feel I was better then, or have things changed. Thank you. Love you sewing..
Such a sweet note. Thank you! Every time I make a new project it helps me get better at sewing. Just keep going forward and trying new things.